
While watching a show on Netflix where a woman appeared to be gliding across a tight wire high up off the ground, I realised two things: I don’t like heights and my balance is nowhere to be seen.

​I’ve recently started another chapter in my life with the book close to publication, no pun intended, and though exciting, balance seems to have left the building. What I recognise is the first things to suffer are the exercise and meditation I do which keep me sane and healthy.

How can I get the balance right, achieving everything I need to as well as enjoying the process. It’s a constant juggle with work, life admin and book stuff, let alone trying to get some exercise in every morning before work.
Sounds good, ‘I can do this’ I tell myself convincingly as I set my intentions for the week, but by morning three the meditation never gets a look in.
If you’re anything like me, how do you ensure that the things you most need to keep happening in your life remain happening? How do you fit everything in when all you want to do is watch Netflix and relax?

The answer is easy, the follow through somewhat harder. Creating a vision with some concrete goals attached works if we follow it daily. We need to keep some non-negotiables in mind when setting a vision for ourselves, the things that we know keep us healthy and motivated. If that means setting the alarm 30 minutes earlier, then that’s what needs to happen.

We only need to look back at other ‘beginnings’ that never lasted past the first week to realise the only thing stopping us is our mind. We need to realise our thoughts are not our friends, e.g., No one wants to get up at 5am to exercise or meditate, and when the alarm does go, our minds frantically encourage us to press snooze on the phone and justify another ten minutes of sleep. Problem is we then wake up late and rush around grumpily, which automatically sets the tone for the day, with guilt and negative self-talk noisily demanding attention.

The balance I’m aiming for will have me calmly accept every moment rather than tensely resenting it. That’s quite a goal within itself, but the only way that seems to work for me. Finally having the book ‘go live’ on Amazon is a challenge and though it’s been years in the making, my goal has always been to get the message out there and help people along the way.
Thankfully and due in no small measure to wonderful people around me, this is about to happen. Knowing that the self belief and the determination to succeed never left me, I am thankful.
My biggest challenge is in the balancing of it all, and for that I go within, ask my Angels and then listen for the answer. What helps is knowing we are here to experience joy; not chaotic demanding stress and finding balance is part of that.

So how can we continue to have balance be a normal part of our lives when time and other demands feel overwhelming? What can help is to:

  • Set clear intentions in order of priority

  • Check whether these will help or hinder the other parts of your life

  • Notice how it feels, if its motivating – you’re on the right path

  • Block out time to ‘make this happen’

  • Believe you are in the right place at the right time, no matter what people say

  • Follow your bliss

  • Know that every day is a new beginning

  • Love who you are regardless



