Global Awareness Day
16 June
Our Global Awareness Day is dedicated to all survivors of child sexual abuse, including those that didn't make it.
WHEREVER YOU ARE in the world, we are ask people to join us for a 30-minute walk, wearing our logo colours (red, white or black, or a combination of the three) to raise awareness of up to 1 in 3 adult survivors impacted globally.
We encourage you to take pictures, tag Handing the Shame Back or send them to us, we would love to share them!
If you would like to organise your own walk in your local community, please send us a message via Facebook and we will gladly assist you in coordinating an event in your area.
Show your support!
Help spread extra awareness by swapping your profile picture to our logo for the day.
Wear clothing or hold up banners in our logo colours: red, white or black.
Snap a photo and include a caption indicating your location, an example being: "Alex from Rotorua walking for Handing the Shame Back (HTSB)."
Use our hashtags: #HandingTheShameBack #HTSB #HTSBGlobalWalk
Share your image with us via @Handingtheshameback on Instagram or Facebook.
Join us as we collectively work towards a future free from shame and fear, breaking the silence and standing in solidarity with survivors worldwide.