Mind Games
Many people consider that mind games are something that are done to us and that we are being manipulated by others. No one ever considers the bigger truth: we play mind games with ourselves.
Fact: We unwittingly play these mind games with ourselves more than with any other person, and we do it in a multitude of ways: like testing ourselves, overthinking, questioning ourselves and through sabotaging ourselves!
The point being we are constantly undermining who we are by doing this.
It doesn’t help when as survivors we always had cause to doubt ourselves and so there’s a part of us that’s used to not having our own back, culminating in being much harsher on ourselves than we would be with any other living person.
But did you know that the way you interact with yourself is usually the way you will interact with another person? Especially the ones closest to you? It’s time to start facing into the person that you are and always have been, and to start thinking about ways you can be kinder to yourself, less judgmental, and more able to value who you really are.
Not having an awareness of the type of mind games you play means that you will continue to do it. Just in case you were wondering – none of that will end well.
How will you know? Because you’ll start to notice you aren’t feeling great, and that life is and feels coloured by grey more than by any other colour.
This is an opportunity to notice what your body is showing you in terms of signs and signals so that you can start to reframe and challenge the self-talk – which undermines all the mind games, that is going on. If you could negate even 20% of the harsh words you may be using on yourself through this own self talk, you might stand a chance at being able to shift the mind games from being negative and challenging to positive and affirming.
Question for you regarding this:
What is more powerful, what other people say to you or what you say to yourself?
Answer: What you say to yourself
It makes sense then to nourish and nurture yourself with gentle kindness and self-love, and before you negate this sentiment, ask yourself who you prefer to spend time with, those that are quite strong, harsh and judgmental of you? Or those that are kind, loving and accepting of you?
Imagine if you could give that loving gentleness to yourself constantly.
Imagine how powerful that would be?
Never doubt that who you are is who you were always meant to be, and that beautiful spirit still resides inside of you. You can begin today to uncover this by recognising that although as a survivor many things were taken from you, there is always an opportunity to reclaim all of it. There is no time limit, there is no statute of limitations, there is nothing to stop you at all, apart from you telling yourself there is.
What you have at your disposal is the most effective computer there is: your mind.
Once you learn how to use it effectively the benefits you experience will increase exponentially. Your mind can benefit you in this space. That is what it is there for.
Most of us do not recognize the power that lies in the top 3 inches of our body.
The mind
It is powerful. It can change your reality. Will you let it!